Essential Oils and Hormones

Today, we’re delving into one of the human body’s greatest mysteries and in some cases pains in the butt. Hi to you over there suffering from hot flashes! I feel your pain, girl. Hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll have some ideas for helping with some of those hormone related issues we all deal with from time to time.

First, we’re going to start with a bit of education as to what hormones are and what controls them. Because you know, knowing is half the battle. (Thanks to Optimus Prime for that great quote back in the 80s.)

What are Hormones?!?!

Per Wikipedia, it states that:

“Hormones are any member of a signaling class of molecules produced by glands, that travel through the circulatory system (blood stream), to target distant organs to regulate physiology and behavior.”

So, our various glands pass notes to our organs to regulate our body functions and systems, all via our blood stream. That is amazing. You may already be familiar with some of the chemical compounds we know as hormones, such as, Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone, Melatonin, Insulin, and Cortisol. There are many more beyond those, that help our body function in tip top shape.

Next, what controls our hormones?!

Basically, an organ that’s the size of a pea. WHAT?! Yes, it’s called the pituitary gland, and it sits in a hollow place right behind the bridge of your nose at the very base of your brain and is attached to your brain by a thin stalk called the pituitary stalk. This tiny organ is in control of all hormone regulation throughout your body. Who would’ve thought the smallest organ would be responsible for so much?

What parts of our body are regulated by the Pituitary Gland?

The Pituitary gland is responsible for regulating our Endocrine System, which is a system of glands throughout the body that including the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the para thyroids, the pancreas and the male reproductive organs, the testes and female reproductive organs, the ovaries. Now, it’s all starting to make sense, huh? For those of us that have had various hormonal issues over the years, we know these glands well.

Common symptoms of hormonal issues would be exhaustion, depression, anxiety, brain fog, hot flashes, weight gain, dry skin and hair, Type 2 diabetes, low libido, and women’s cycle irregularities.

How can essential oils help with hormone related issues?

First, always check with your doctor to make sure some of the above listed symptoms are indeed hormone related and not something more advanced.

Next, let’s see what essential oils will help with common hormonal issues:

Geranium, Ylang Ylang, and a Young Living Blend called Lady Schareol (Geranium, Coriander, Vetiver, Orange, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Spanish Sage, Jasmine, Idaho Blue Spruce, Cardamom, Ocotea, and Palo Santo) are excellent for overall endocrine system support. They help to regulate the function of all the glands in the endocrine universe along with the pituitary gland. You can use them together or either one if you don’t have both. Rub one drop on each foot at night before you go to bed. Diffuse on and off throughout the day.

For Adrenal gland support, try Nutmeg, Basil and Black Spruce. Nutmeg mimics the hormone properties that the adrenal glands produce, and Basil and Black Spruce help to support and regulate normal function. Use these EOs topically, over the area where your kidneys are, because the adrenal glands are located right on top of the kidneys. Two to three drops over the whole area should do.

For overall thyroid and para-thyroid support, try Myrtle. Myrtle helps to regulate the thyroid function whether it’s over or under preforming. Just rub a drop directly on your neck over your thyroid. Do this twice a day, morning and night.

For pancreas support, Cinnamon Bark and Cypress. Cinnamon Bark EO helps when the pancreas is lacking in function and Cypress helps to regulate its function. Apply one or both oils over your abdomen where your stomach is, as the pancreas is located just behind the stomach. Cinnamon Bark EO is considered a “hot” oil and may cause some skin sensitivity if used undiluted. Use a drop or two of a carrier oil when applying that topically.

For the male reproductive system, including the testes, use Rosemary and a Young Living blend called Mister (Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Myrtle, Peppermint, and Blue Yarrow) for overall support, as it helps to regulate function. Both oils can be used topically, on location (yes, that means applying to the testes and scrotum) 😉 And I would strongly recommend using a carrier oil with these, because that area will be more skin sensitive. You can also take these in gelcap form. 5 drops each and take on a daily basis.

For the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, use Rosemary, as well and Young Living offers a special blend called Dragon Time (Fennel, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, Yarrow, and Jasmine) that is specifically for female reproductive support. I use this every month during my cycle and it is a game changer. Both oils are a great support for overall function of this system. Rub a drop or two along your lower abdomen daily.

And for my sisters out there suffering from hot flashes, go get some peppermint. Anytime you have a hot flash come on, take a drop of carrier oil and a drop of peppermint and rub it around your whole neck, along your shoulders, and across your upper back where you can reach. This will at least cool you somewhat.

And with that, we have covered all of the Endocrine system. I hope this helps you with any hormone related issues you may be experiencing. Happy Oiling everyone!

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Amanda Adams-Smith says:

    You are right as rain on peppermint. I’ve been putting a streak down my chest, behind my ears, under big toes & I cool right down. Oils are terrific & you are wonderful to share all the oily goodness Jesse oils have to offer.
    Thanks much from flashing in Florida!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for listening in!!!


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